Wylie Kinson just tagged me to reveal five things about myself. Well here they are in no particular order.
1. I'm slightly obsessive compulsive. I'm like a dog with a bone when I get something in my head. I can't stop till I see the end result I want.
2. I'm not as nice as people think I am. I have that little evil voice in the back of my head always shouting out a sarcastic remark or something unkind. Thankfully, I've learned how to ignore it.
3. I get grumpy when I'm tired. Nothing earth shattering, but when I tell people I get grumpy, they usually give me a strange look. "I've never seen you in a bad mood." Which leads me to point 4...
4. I'm a great actress. I've been in a lot of plays over the years. I like to play overly emotional characters who get to cry and scream a lot. I have a tape somewhere with my doing just that in a play called Trojan Woman. Good times. :)
5. I "hear" my characters talking to me. I feel like Will Ferrell in Stranger Than Fiction, the little voice saying the words that my characters want to say. It can be very disconcerting. :)
And here is a picture of Vincent D'Onofrio because he's my favorite TV detective. :)
I love Vincent D'Onofrio - he just inhabits that character so well.
Yes, yes, yes!! I have voices in my head, too! The characters carry on these entire conversations, sometimes keeping me up at night.
And my inner voice (the one with the snotty British accent) sounds a lot like Emma Thompson, but I'm sure that's just a coincidence :)
Embrace your inner evil voice. It's usually what keeps us sane!
Great list!!!
Voices, what voices (hey you guys in there stop already). I have the voices too, I think it was your blog that posted a quote from someone about writers being mildy schizophrenic. I could believe that. As for obessive compulsive, me too and it drives my husband crazy, but I can't leave something unfinished or I go crazy.
Housework. I leave it finished all the time.
Oops, I meant to say: Housework - I leave it UNfinished all the time.
Vince is my man. Don't know why but I could watch him all day long. Him and Richard Dean Anderson. /drool
Housework - I never touch the stuff.
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