Sunday, November 19, 2006

NaNoWriMo - Day 19

Well, I'm hoping to reach 50k tonight before I go to bed. It may be tight as I'm watching the Grey Cup with my husband and was out this afternoon for our last chapter meeting of the year. I only have about 1400 words and if I push hard, I should get them in before midnight.

I plan on taking tomorrow to tie up the last chapter or two of the book, and then go back and begin cleaning up chapter one. The book is wrapping up a bit faster than I'd like, but I'll be able to expand it with the second draft. I'm still hoping to have the end manuscript between 70-80k. Time will tell.


Amy Ruttan said...

Christine you can do it! I just crossed the finish line, but I wasn't watching Grey Cup. I know you can do it, and I'm waiting at the finish line with your favorite drink. See you there soon.

Maureen McGowan said...

Wow, Christine! That's amazing. Your motivation inspires me. (Also scares me a little :-)