Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Back to work *sigh*

I have to say it was lovely being home over the holidays. I had a ten day break and got to enjoy spending time with my family. It was also great being able to write whenever the mood struck me. But the fun and games are over and I'm back to work!

People think I'm crazy for getting up and writing at 6am. I think I'm crazy. But it really is the best time for me to get things accomplished. This morning I flipped back to All Bottled Up and an working on adding two new chapters. I was able to finish up my novella Summer Theatre (bad title I know) and have passed it over to my husband for a grammar and sanity check. Next, it goes off to my critique partner.

I shouldn't have stopped to work on the novella, because it felt like I'd lost my momentum on Bottled when I opened it this morning. I wrote two pages and then remembered it was supposed to be a funny paranormal. I kept what I wrote, but the rest of the chapter is taking a lighter approach. We'll see if it works once I'm done.

I'm hoping to get some more writing done on my lunch hour. I'm going to make a real effort to actually take my lunch, close the door, and get something accomplished.


Joely Sue Burkhart said...

I start work at 6:30 a.m., so for me to write "Dark and Early" as I call it, I have to be up at 5:00. Gulp. I didn't make it today. However, I did stay up until 2:00 a.m. finishing my pass through MBB#3.

Angela/SciFiChick said...

I was ready to sleep in this morning till I realized I have a Dr's Appt this afternoon & will have to leave work early. Had to get up at 6am too. :P

Amy Ruttan said...

I was up, it was dark and I fought downtown traffic to realize that everything is a total mess. I have a blank note book to try to work o something at lunch ... but I think I'm investing in one of those USB storage stick thingeys!

Unknown said...

I would get one Amy. I use mine all the time. The other thing is working on it and then emailing yourself the revisions. I try to avoid that just because I don't want the IT guys having fun with my stories. :)

Trish Ryan said...

I'm an early-morning writer, too. It should probably bother me that my best stuff comes out when my brain isn't working yet, but hey - I'll take creativity at any hour :)

Wylie Kinson said...

LOVE the pic accompanying this post, Christine. Pretty much sums up the work-force, don't it?

I CAN NOT get up early to write because my children have an attuned 'mommy radar' signal that goes off as soon as I open my eyes.
Lordy - how many times I try to 'sneak' awake to workout or write at 6am and the second I slide my feet into my slippers, Sweetness or Light (aka the boys) yell "Mommy! Dat you?" Arghhhhhh

Alyssa Goodnight said...

I really wish I was motivated enough to get up at 6am and write. Maybe I'll try it this year. I think with a wake-up cup of tea or hot chocolate I could really get some work done.

Kudos to you for doing it!

Kelly Boyce said...

I wasn't thrilled with going back to work this morning. I need a decent night's sleep I think. Or another vacation. I'm liking the vacation idea...