I learned long ago that when I'm not feeling well I need to roll back over and go back to sleep. So when my alarm when off this morning I did just that. Apparently my ulcer has decided to come back with a vengence, and this has put a serious cramp in my writing schedule. I haven't written a word for the past two days, I can't really concentrate to read, and even laying on the couch isn't comfortable. I'm going to get a doctor's appointment for late next week once I get back from my business trip to see what's going on.
Now after listening to Anne's talk on self defeating attitudes on Sunday, I've come to the conclusion that not writing these past few days is a good thing. Until I get my body figured out, the creative side of me will have problems focusing and producing. So I have no guilt about staying in bed.
I just wish I had some Tums with me...
That really stinks. Hope you're feeling better soon!
*sending you virtual Tums*
Sorry to hear you're feeling bleh! On the bright side, now you can convincingly write about a character with an ulcer, describing EXACTLY how it feels.
*spooky psychic voice*:
Channel the energy, Christine...
Ugh - hope you feel better soon Christine!
Ulcers suck. I suffer from them too. Tums never worked for me. One thing you can do if you don't already is get some ranitidine or famitidine which reduces the stomach acid. Something like Pepcid AC helps alot. I keep ranitidine around because when my stomach starts to go the pain is unbearable.
You take good care of yourself, ok?
Oh man, sorry to hear your so sick. That is one thing I have never experienced, I'm sending your virtual vibes of healing. Take care of yourself!
Yikes, I hope things settle down for you! Hugs.
Thanks everyone. I've been popping Tums all night and have a doctor's appointment for Friday. Hopefully he'll get me all fixed up.
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