Friday, January 26, 2007

Out of Gas

So this has been a bad writing week for me. I haven't even opened up Bottled Up since Sunday. I've been so tired this week after the excitement of the last little while, I think my muse needed a vacation. I hope to get some writing done today at lunch and tomorrow off and on while I'm playing with the kids and cleaning the house.

My goal for the next few days is to finish one more chapter of revisions and to try and get another thousand words written.


Vicky said...

I know it's hard to take that break when you're just exhausted and other things take priority. But it's much needed. Personally, I think anyone with kids who still manages to find the time to write is a friggin' miracle worker! I have no clue how you guys do it.

Looking at the bright side though, when you come back to your writing and editing it might just come easier and you might catch things that you might not have if you were to do it another time.

The saying should be...
FRESH eyes on the prize! :)

Kelly Boyce said...

Good luck getting back in the swing of things. Sometimes the brain just needs a break.

Amy Ruttan said...

Like you told me a few weeks ago, just vegetate, relax and the Muse will come back refreshed and ready for action!

Unknown said...

Thanks guys. I often don't listen to the advice I give others hehe. I'm ready to go and will be tackling the next chapter now!(ish)