Well I only got a few words written yesterday, but I was able to finish up the revisions on my chapter and can finally move onto the next one. I realized I really sped up the time line in the last half of the book. I could easily add another chapter to the story, but I think I'll hold off for now. When I make my third pass through I'll see if it needs it.
I also forgot about jet lag. My character travels from NS to Mexico and back and then goes to work the very next day. Now in my world of work, this would be the case unless I took an extra day vacation. But now I'm going to give her a day to recover before she has to "face the music". This is where I could add a chapter, but I don't want to slow the pacing down.
On a side note, Monday is now my favourite TV night. Starting at 8 pm I get to watch Heroes (and WOOT Christopher Eccleston joined the cast!), 9 pm Doctor Who, and 10 pm 24. Three hours of some of my favourite shows. However, I paid the price by not having slept well and being woken up by a sick daughter. I could crawl back into bed right now.
It was a great episode.. even though my favorite Hero was stuck in a coma through most of it.. LOL
I love that they've started coming together to help each other now.
I missed Heroes, because I crashed (it's on at 9p.m., out here). I hope your little one is feeling better. I hate to see and hear when munchikins aren't feeling well. My turn to send virtual hug.
I missed the first episodes of Heroes. :-( Plus That Man is hooked on Prison Break (@ 7:00) and the oldest monster has basketball practice at 7:00 too. I don't watch the other two shows either. Sounds like I'm missing out!! Hugs on the sick daughter--hope she's better soon!
Missed the entire season of Heroes, but am determined to catch up when it comes out on DVD.
I've heard too many good things not to.
And loving 24 this season.
Sinead - who should be writing, not watching TV
I thought I was all caught up with Hereos, but I obviously missed a few episodes! When did split-personality chick end up in prison and how/why was the cheerleader's friend killed? What happened to Zach's memory and who's the new black dude with the sexy accent? And why have some of the heroes lost their powers and WHAT HAPPENED TO THE 'GIRL ACROSS THE HALL'???
Wylie, you have missed a few. I would go to the NBC site and see what episodes they have online. You should be able to fill in the gaps. If not, send me an email and I'll do a recap for you. :)
Sounds like your revisions are going great! Keep up the good work and you'll be done in no time.
Now I need to go look in the mirror and tell myself that...
I'm coming clean... I don't even know what Hero is about... okay, throw cyber shoes at me. Sorry to hear that your chick is feeling under the weather.
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