Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!

I can't believe this is my last post of the year. So much has happened this year both on a writing and personal front. I had my first request for a full from Ellora's Cave. I completed three complete manuscripts and started two others. In addition to the Toronto Romance Writers, I've joined two additional group, Romance Writers of Atlantic Canada and Passionate Ink.

And I started my blog!

In the up coming year I plan on adding a website and working on some newsletter articles that some of you may find useful. I still have my fingers crossed that I will hear from EC in January and I'll have some good news to share.

I wish you all the very best. Please have a safe and happy New Year's Eve!!!


Wylie Kinson said...

Happy New Years, Christine!
Good luck with EC, your pending website, your editorship & articles, and BEST WISHES for 2007!!!

~ Paula

Uisce said...

happy new year to you!!

Amy Ruttan said...

Happy New Year Christine. Hope to see you at the January meeting!

Goodluck with EC and everything! Here's to a great year of writing in 2007!