Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Thursday Thirteen # 9

I thought I would do something a bit different this week. I have spent a lot of time on Snopes over the years. I find their information on urban legends and old wives tales fascinating. However, I would take what you see here with a grain of salt. Sometimes they like to be silly. :)

Here are some of my favorite!

Thirteen Urban Legends

1. It takes seven years for gum to pass through the human digestive system. False! Gum is just like any other food.

2. Disney's Belle from Beauty and the Beast makes a cameo appearance in the The Hunchback of Notre Dame. True! If you look closely at the picture you can see her in the bottom right corner.

3. Lemmings commit suicide by jumping off cliffs. False! These poor little things were forced to jump to help make a Disney movie back in the 50's.

4. Birds can steal coins out of machines. True! I didn't believe it until I saw these pictures.

5. A picture of a fox standing in a pack of dogs. This is false. The picture is a photoshop. But still it looks awesome!

6. A twister ripped through a drive in theatre that was playing the movie Twister. This is false. Thought it would have been poetic. :)

7. A second-hand coat purchased for the Wizard of Oz was later discovered to have been owned by L. Frank Baum. True!

8. A ghost appears in the movie Three Men and a Baby. This is false. Though the first time I saw the picture it creeped me out.

9. An abused goat killed it's owner. True! Don't anger the goats...

10. The book/movie The Amityville Horror is based on a true story. False! The book was good, the movie...not so much.

11. A hitchhiker is picked up and dropped off, only to be learned later that she died years ago. False! I first heard this one at Girl Guide camp when I was eleven. Still a classic.

12. Poorly translated instructions for a game. True! I'm sure there are tones of other examples of this out there. But this cracks me up!

13. Chihuahuas are actually a type of rodent bred to resemble dogs. False! I may not like them, but they are still dogs. :)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!


Geekwif said...

Too funny! I love the one about the thieving birds! I may have to start checking out snopes now.

Shannon said...

My goodness! I loved this.

Happy Thursday!

Angela/SciFiChick said...

Love the list! Very funny!

Sonny said...

Great funny list!
I really enjoyed readin it!
Hugs and Happy TT from Germany,
Happy New Year to all of you

P.S: My list is up too! Please visit Sweet like Kitty

mistihollrah said...

Great list!

Wylie Kinson said...

Terrific list, Christine!! Thanks for clearing up some of my long-held misconceptions...
I'm crushed that the hitchhiker story was untrue. In fact, I'm pouting.

Tink said...

Funny and very interesting! I'll have to check out Snopes!
My TT is about the year 2007.

Melissa said...

Great list! I've always wondered about that 3 Men and a Baby one. Spooky!

Chickadee said...

Oof! Wow, don't make the goats mad...but you shouldn't abuse animals in the first place.

I've seen that picture of the Starling stealing the coins...those are some smart birds.

My 13 are up.

Raggedy said...

I loved your list!
What a great TT!
Thanks for sharing them with us
Have a wonderful Thursday
My TT is posted

Amy Ruttan said...

Great TT, I am appalled by the thought of Disney killing Lemmings, and the Wizard of Oz thing is way to cool!

Caylynn said...

Great list! Snopes is such a useful and interesting site. I was aware of some of the urban legends you list (and whether or not they were true) but not all of them.

Happy TT. :)

Joely Sue Burkhart said...

I love Snopes! My dad is always forwarding me all sorts of bizarre e-mail, and it only takes a moment to prove it's false. Happy TT!

Sonny said...

Ice-cream-maker and weight loosing can go together! For that you can make your own recipes!
Sugarfree and fatreduced! Here you are:
A delicious bowl of vanilla-icecream!!! =)


Unknown said...

Very interesting list Christine! My favorite was the one about the birds stealing coins. I'm going to have to check Snopes out.

Happy Thursday!

Rene said...

I loved this TT, I'd heard some of them before but not others.

Alyssa Goodnight said...

Fascinating stuff--truly!

But are you 100% sure about #13??? I've certainly had my suspicions...

Darla said...

Hee! I love these. I did a couple TTs based on Snopes already--it's such a fun site to browse.

And those instructions crack me up.

Annie said...

What an awesome TT!!! I loved these! Thanks!

scooper said...

Great list. I need to watch The Hunchback.

Jaci Burton said...

Some of the urban legend stories used to scare the crap out of me when I was teen.

And Snopes is fabulous for debunking a lot of those myths!

Great TT!

Michelle said...

These are hilarious! I did believe the Amytville HOrror was true also. Hmm. Very interesting stuff. :-)

Colleen Gleason said...

Wow! What a great list!!

My TT's up!

Anonymous said...

Wow, what an awesome list! I love, love, love Snopes. :)

Uisce said...

We've got a goat that would kill you if she could... no surprise there!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by; you should definetly take a look at it; it's a simple way to earn some money through blogging!

Amy said...

What a clever list this is! Loved it!

Scribbit said...

I have never been to Snopes but hear so much about it I'll have to fix that ASAP.

Melani Blazer said...

oh, great list. Scopes always has interesting stuff. Thanks for the info!

Ali said...

this is great.
the jury is still out for me on the amityville horror story...for me...just being based on true events makes it slightly scary. there was a defeo family. he did kill his family and another family moved's creepy no matter what parts were true and what parts were imagined!